I'm Kübra Narcı, a Bioinformatician at the GHGA Workflows Team/DKFZ, specializing in developing Nextflow pipelines. With a strong passion for creating reproducible and FAIR-compliant workflows, I contribute to advancing bioinformatics standards and tools.
I’m also proud to be a Nextflow Ambassador, actively supporting and promoting the Nextflow community by sharing knowledge and best practices in workflow development.
- Role: Bioinformatician and Bioinformatics Workflow Engineer
- Location: Heidelberg, Germany
- Organization: GHGA / DKFZ-ODCF
- Values: Reproducibility, FAIR Principles, Community Collaboration
As the main developer of nf-core/variantbenchmarking, I focus on providing standardized workflows for benchmarking variant-calling pipelines.
- FAIR-Compliant Workflow Design: Teaching principles and practices to develop workflows that align with FAIR guidelines.
Whether you’re new to Nextflow or looking to refine your skills, my workshops provide hands-on learning opportunities to deepen your knowledge.
Here are some of the key projects I’ve been working on:
A standardized Nextflow pipeline for benchmarking variant-calling workflows, enabling reproducible and FAIR analysis.
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Nextflow Indel Calling Workflow: A Nextflow-based indel calling workflow using Platypus.
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Nextflow SNV Calling Pipeline: A Nextflow SNV calling and annotation pipeline based on DKFZ-ODCF's SNVCallingWorkflow.
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Nextflow ACE-Seq Pipeline: A Nextflow ACE-Seq calling and annotation pipeline.
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- Bioinformatician at GHGA: Driving the development of reproducible genomic workflows.
- Nextflow Ambassador: Actively supporting and promoting the Nextflow community as part of my values.
- FAIR Principles Advocate: Passionate about creating workflows that are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reproducible.
- Workshop Organizer and Educator: Empowering others to succeed in workflow development and reproducibility.
- Twitter: @kubranarci
- LinkedIn: in/kubranarci
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you’d like to collaborate, discuss workflow development, or attend one of my workshops. Let’s work together to advance bioinformatics!