Programmer portfolio website with blog section to write and manage articles.
- clone repository on your local
cd portfolio
cp .env.example .env
composer install
- update .env file with your
sudo chmod -R 775 storage
php artisan key:genenrate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan storage:link
in your database/factories folder there is a file UserFactory.php which has your default email and password whih is:
password: password
you can use this for logging in or update email and password and run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
to generate new default email password combination.
This project contains a article section which after logging in you can acccess by
clicking on My Article menu
- you can enable disable login/registration easily from your .env file
open your .env file which has
CAN_LOGIN = true
just set it to false when needed, and you are all set.
now click on My Articles which will take you to article administration dashboard of your website.
from here you can explore more about an article and administration
- A user can can access all your published posts on
or by clicking on View More section on your home page.
This project is using Canvas for article management which has other cool features which will help you in enabling Unsplash to pull stock images in your post.
you can read more about it on Canvas Readme page, when you are ready add you Unsplash key in your .env file CANVAS_UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY
NOTE: before using this on your production deployment please updated app.blade.php and other places for SEO keywords like in your HomeScreen.vue file
<vue-headful title="Kumar Ravi | Laravel Developer" description="kumar ravi is experienced laravel developer, Technology in his hand includes laravel, AWS, vue etc. can work remote." keywords="laravel developer in ncr, laravel developer in delhi, experienced laravel web developer remote" />
this should be updated before your deployment.
Here are some open source libraries used in this project which you can read more about
- This can be your first open source contribution, don't hesitate on getting started, just do the change you think could be great addition for this project and raise a PR.
The Project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.