My self learning process of SICP (in MIT Scheme by Emacs)
- There are two parts of the projects. First are the folders names of Courses, which contains my notes and the programs illustrated on the lectures.
- Second is the exercies, which are somehow most important part of the whole learning process.
- My environment for exercises code and codes illustrated on lectures is MIT scheme.
- Most exercies in chapter 1 and 2 are done in Emacs with extension Geiser. Project link is here./
- For the rest of the chapter 2 and chapter 3, I use visual studio code, code server and copilot.
- The textbook can be found on the website.
- Full online textbook:
- On one hand, it’s for keepsake, and these exercises have not passed any official tests.
- On the other hand, it seems that no school is teaching this course anymore (even MIT itself doesn’t offer this course now, they have a Python version instead), so I’m not worried about these contents being plagiarized.
- 这个项目有两个部分。第一部分以课程的名字命名的文件夹,里面包括我的笔记和课堂上的程序。
- 第二部分是练习,也是某种程度上整个学习过程中最重要的一个部分。
- 我的练习和上课展示的代码是用MIT Scheme的实现。
- 前两章大部分的练习都是在Emacs上完成,借助Geiser插件。 项目链接在此:
- 第二、三章的练习借助visual studio code, code server 和 copilot 实现。
- 教材来自网站:
- 完整的在线教材:
- 一方面是为了留作纪念,而且这些练习并没通过测试。
- 另一方面,似乎已经没有学校再教授这门课程了(MIT自己都不开这门课了),我也不担心这些内容会被抄袭。