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Local Setup (Development)

Kyle Rump edited this page Aug 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

Follow these steps to setup and run photo-metadata-updater locally


  1. Nodejs installed
  2. Exiftool installed (or get the bundled version from one of the releases)
  3. Bing maps API key


  1. Clone this repo
  2. From a console run the following:
  • npm run install-backend - installs nodejs app dependencies
  • npm run install-frontend - installs vue frontend app dependencies
  • npm run build-frontend - builds vue frontend app into a new public/ folder
  • cp - Copy the template config file into a real config file
  1. Edit the file, add you bing maps API key, and add the full path to your exiftool binary
  • If exiftool is available on your system PATH, then you do not need to edit the value (test this with exiftool -ver)
  1. Start the app using npm start - this will be accessible on http://localhost:8000
  2. (Optional) If working on the frontend, start the live development server using npm run serve-frontend
  • This will be accessible on http://localhost:8080, and you also need the node app running for full functionality (step 4)
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