Matrix-based flexible project planning, scheduling, and risk analysis for traditional, agile, and hybrid project management
This tool contains traditional, agile, and hybrid project management planning, scheduling, and risk analysis techniques. The algorithms are based on the following papers:
First, please use DEMO.m
Implemented Scheduling Problems:
CTCTP: Continuous Time-Cost Trade-off Problem
DTCTP: Discrete Time-Cost Trade-off Problem
CTQCTP: Continuous Time-Quality-Cost Trade-off Problem
DTQCTP: Discrete Time-Quality-Cost Trade-off Problem
RC-CTCTP: Resource-Constrained Continuous Time-Cost Trade-off Problem
RC-DTCTP: Resource-Constrained Discrete Time-Cost Trade-off Problem
RC-CTQCTP: Resource-Constrained Continuous Time-Quality-Cost Trade-off Problem
RC-DTQCTP: Resource-Constrained Discrete Time-Quality-Cost Trade-off Problem
MRCPSP: Multimode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
MRCPSP-Q: Multimode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Quality parameters
TPMa: Traditional Project Management agent (see mtpma.m)
APMa: Agile Project Management agent (see mapma.m)
HPMa: Hybrid Project Management agent (see mhpma.m)
EPMa: Extreme Project Management agent (APMa + unplanned tasks)
Phases of Risk Analysis:
Phase 1: Uncertainty of demands
Phase 2: Shock effects
Phase 3: Structural changes