This is an attempt to make a lisp who's base is very minimal. This is for theoretical purposes only. See doc/spec/spec.pdf for an informal specification of HLisp. See lib/ for example code.
HLisp is fairly unique among lisps in that it is lazily evaluated. It also
doesn't support recursion through bindings, so (label loop (lambda () (loop)))
will not work. However, lambdas do support a syntax for recursion, so the last
statement could be written (label loop (lambda loop () (loop)))
To build HLisp enter the following at the command line.
> stack build
To run HLisp run
> stack exec hlisp
To use the base library run
> stack exec hlisp lib/*
--> stack exec hlisp lib/core.lisp lib/natural.lisp
> (+ 1 2)
(() () ())
> ((= 6 (+ 1 2)) 't 'f)
> ((= 3 (+ 1 2)) 't 'f)
> ((const 9) 1)
(() () () () () () () () ())
> (id id)
<lambda (x) ...>