To access the webpages, click the links below. If that does not work, please manually copy the link and paste them into your web browser. It will take you through the folders of my website to the starting webpages.
If you want to go straight to the directory of my website to decide for yourself, go right ahead.
This is the first ever page I made on my website. It leads to a simple calculator, and various other things I created to learn and practice HTML.
The current list of webpages is:
- Calculator
- Matchmaker
- Website Survey
- Image Page
This is a game I made completely from scratch. It is a recreation of the Python game, as the average would prefer an actual website/User Interface than to play in a Command Line. It is being updated as frequent as I find errors in the game and if I desire to update/change the design.
I will update my website ever so often if I see anything I want to add or change. If you have any suggestions yourself, please email me at
I know I put a Survey page but I then realized I did not know how to save the results to a database. As of right now (01/20/22) it is just for show while I decide how I want to go about the problem.