In this repository are developed (in Python) some simple computer networking concepts, in particular:
- a Web Server that will
- create a connection socket when contacted by a client (browser),
- reveive the HTTP request from this connection,
- parse the request to determine what file is requested,
- get the requested file from the server's file system, send the response over the TCP connection to the requesting browser
- a UDP Pinger to estimate the delay (RTT) in a network
- a Mail Client that sends e-mails to any recipient by creating a TCP connection with a mail server, dialogue with it using the SMTP protocol and send an e-mail to a recipient.
- a Web Proxy that recieves an HTTP request for an object, generates a new HTTP request for the same object and sends it back to the origin server.
- A folder
with inside 4 files: the instructionsinstructions.pdf
, a toy websitehello.html
and 2 python scripts to set up a web server to handle HTTP request over a TCP connection - A folder
with inside 3 python scripts to set up a mail client that dialogues with a mail server over a TCP connection using the SMTP protocol - A folder
with inside 4 python scripts to build a pinger over a UDP connection, and an instructions' file - A folder
with an instructions' file and a python script to create a web proxy that can recieve and respond to HTTP requests.
These programs where inspired by the classic "Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach" by J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross.