A Simple twist on chess, its played on a hexagonal board.
- Drag and Drop or Click and Drag.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/leothecrz/GodotHexChess.git cd GodotHexChess
Open the project in Godot:
- Open your Godot engine.
- Click on "Import", select the
file from the cloned directory.
Run the project:
- Click on the play button to launch the game.
- Mouse:
- (WIP)
- Keyboard Shortcuts:
- (WIP)
Hexagonal Chess follows most of the traditional chess rules with a couple caveats:
- Each piece’s movement is adapted to fit a hexagonal grid.
- PAWN: Moves 1 Hex towards the opponent. Can attack 1 Hex to either opponent facing diagonals.
- KNIGH : Moves in 'L' shape JUMPS from staring hex. 2 edge touching hex straight, and 1 one to either diagonal on the facing away from the start HEX.
- BISHOP : Moves any number of Hex on the the straight lines from the vertexes of starting Hex. Moves along the same color.
- ROOK : Moves any number Hex on the edge touching straigh lines from the starting Hex.
- QUEEN: Has both ROOK and BISHOP moves.
- KING : Moves 1 Hex to all 6 edge touching Hex and to all Hex 1 vetex line away.
- Each player takes turns to move one piece.
- Check and checkmate mechanics remain the same.
- There is no castling
- If a pawn captures and lands on one of the starting pawn positions it retains its ability two move 2 Hex foward.
By : LeothEcRz