Wellcome to my API Template/Playground/Portfolio. The idea is to create some sort of API to test ideasand have them as example for later use. Of course I'll use latest versión of .NET Core and, maybe, .NET 5 when it's finally released.
- MVC Schema: Three layers Controller, Services and Repositories.
- Data Models for every layer.
- Automapper.
- KISS Principle make everything as simple as posible.
- Dependency Injection. Of course.
- EF Code First (For now only in SQL) using anotations in DTOs
- Unit Testing: With Moked data.
- Cache
- Token system to check permisions
- Serilog
- Exception Middleware
- Criptography
- Model Validation with custom validators
- Multi DataBase: The idea is to have at least one SQL Data Source and a NonSQL Data Source.
- SQL DataBase.
- NoN SQL Database
- HTTP connections to other APIs
- WS-SOAP connections (If I can find a free usable WS-SOAP)