ver. 2.2.9+6
Change log:
- Channel delete button is hidden, depending on channel
- Now everyone can see channel info
- Quotes now rendered the same way as they do in web version
- Member addition to channel has been fixed
- Loading splash screen now fits the screen
- Direct chat creation multitap bug has been fixed
- Members scroll has been fixed when adding them to channel
- Keyboard is hidden when channel creation fails
- Workspace creation has been fixed
- Forgot password on auth screen is not broken anymore
- Password suggestion has been removed when authenticating
- When launching the app, and opening the first channel, there were no messages, this behavior has been patched
- Markdown parser has been removed and replaced by custom made Twacode parser
- Unread messages counter is not incremented if the user is currently viewing the channel
- No userid is now visible when rendering mentions
- Thread message is now also updated realtime