A repository of system administration scripts
Python3 script that compresses a user's home directory, encrypts the file with gpg, and then uploads it to google drive. Requires the user first install and configure rclone for use with google drive https://rclone.org/drive/ and have a valid gpg key.
This simple bash script uses dialog to display the output of 'firewall-cmd --reload && firewall-cmd --list-all'. Requires: dialog
Bash script that returns the IP address of a KVM/qemu Virtual Machine when ran from the physical host. Usage: Use 'virsh list' to get list of running VMs and then run: vmip [VM NAME]
Bash script with a dialog/ncurses interface which automates remastering a RHEL/CentOS installation ISO to include a kickstart file.
Bash script for installing MongoDB on Fedora Release 33 from the mongodb.org/ 8Server repository. When MongoDB changed its licensing from GPL to SSPL Fedora made the decision to remove it from Fedora repositories.