Team project for Web Programming
Open App :
Yolo Obseoye is a web site introducing attractions, restaurants and activities of Jeju island in Korea
- introduces information of attractions, restaurants and activities
- provides information of the top 20 for each
- moves to instagram or map page using link
Yolo Obseoye uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- HTML5 - Markup web pages
- CSS - how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen
- Javascript - change elements of HTML and CSS dinamically
- node.js - execute server on localhost
- jQuery - Javascript library to much easier to deal with HTML and CSS elements
- Heroku - platform as a service enables to operate application
Yolo Obseoye requires Node.js v6+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd YOLO-obseoye
$ npm install -d
$ node app.js
Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
$ node app.js
By default, the default will be configured by port 3000, so change this within the app.js if necessary. When ready, simply modify the app.js to operate other port.
const port = process.env.PORT || ${port};
Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.
This web site use Heroku to deployment application. If you wanna deploy your application, follow below steps.
To deploy your application on Heroku, you need to download and install the Heroku CLI.
First, Login to Heroku
$ heroku login
Second, Create a new Git repository
$ cd YOLO-obseoye
$ git init
$ heroku git:remote -a Yolo-obseoye
Third, Deploy your application
git add .
git commit -am "commit message"
git push heroku master
- Write MORE Tests
- Add Night Mode
Free Software, Hell Yeah!