This repository contains notebooks for learning the basics of qiskit, a Python library for quantum computing.
The notebooks cover the following topics:
- Introduction - we cover what's a circuit and how to sample it, as well as the basic quantum gates.
- Deutsch-Josza - we describe the Deutsch-Josza algorithm, and cover a two-ancilla case to mimic noise effects
- Rotation gates - we talk about parametrized gates and briefly discuss variational quantum algorithms (perhaps it's a bit early but it feels appropriate)
- Quantum Fourier Transform - we present the Quantum Fourier Transform. The exercise here is to implement it by yourself.
- Quantum Phase Estimation - building on the QFT, we go through the phase estimation algorithm. Again, you build the QPE circuit in an exercise.
- Grover's algorithm - we cover Grover's algorithm to (quantumly) find stuff in a list
- Connect to IBMQ - a rather non-quantum tutorial to connect to IBMQ's free quantum hardware instances.
- QPE on quantum hardware - connect to IBMQ to get a QPE algorithm to run on real quantum hardware.