Gateware for the Fast Orbit Feedback Controller
|-- hdl:
| | HDL (Verilog/VHDL) cores related to the FOFB controller.
| |
| |-- board:
| | Board support package for the FOFB controller.
| |
| |-- ip_cores:
| | | Third party reusable modules, primarily Open hardware
| | | modules (
| | |
| | |-- infra-cores:
| | | Generic reusable module from LNLS.
| | |-- general-cores (fork from original project):
| | | General reusable modules.
| | |-- afc-gw:
| | AFC BSP (board support package).
| |
| |-- modules:
| | Modules specific to FOFB controller.
| |
| |-- platform:
| | Platform-specific code, such as Xilinx Chipscope wrappers.
| |
| |-- sim:
| | Generic simulation files, reusable Bus Functional Modules (BFMs),
| | constants definitions.
| |
| |-- syn:
| | Synthesis specific files (user constraints files and top design
| | specification).
| |
| |-- testbench:
| | Testbenches for modules and top level designs. May use modules
| | defined elsewhere (specific within the 'sim" directory).
| |
| |-- top:
| Top design modules.
|-- loader:
| FPGA programming scripts.
This repository makes use of git submodules, located at 'hdl/ip_cores' folder: hdl/ip_cores/general-cores hdl/ip_cores/infra-cores hdl/ip_cores/afc-gw
To clone the whole repository use the following command:
git clone --recursive
or (if using ssh authentication keys)
git clone --recursive
For older versions of Git (<1.6.5), use the following:
git clone git://
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
To update each submodule within this project use:
git submodule foreach git rebase origin master
Go to a testbench directory. It must have a top manifest file:
cd hdl/testbench/path_to_testbench
Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake command available in your PATH environment variable.
Create the simualation makefile
Compile the project
Execute the simulation with GUI and aditional commands
vsim -do &
Go to a syn directory. It must have a synthesis manifest file:
cd hdl/syn/path_to_syn_design
Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake command available in your PATH environment variable.