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LNLS Ansible

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This Ansible roles/playbooks for Sirius Light Source control machines.

The inventory layout

We are using multiple inventories based on the type of host. Reference documentation at alternative-directory-layout and using-multiple-inventory-sources.

├── beaglebones
└── sirius
    ├── group_vars
    └── host_vars


Clone the repository, install the pre-commit package and enable the pre-commit environment.

git clone <...>
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install .

When installed, pre-commit will check the diff and abort the operation on errors. If the checking process is taking too long, consider disabling the ansible-lint part from .pre-commit-config.yaml or disabling pre-commit using pre-commit uninstall.


For simplicity there are makefile targets for commonly used playbooks.

Makefile targets:

make deploy-control-room-desktops
make deploy-fac-desktops
make deploy-linac-opi-desktops

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  remote_user: sirius
  become: true

    - name: Include distribution-dependent variables
      include_vars: "{{ item }}"
          - "group_vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_release }}.yml"
          - "group_vars/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
          - "group_vars/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
      loop: "{{ q('first_found', possible_var_files, errors='ignore') }}"

    - role: lnls-ans-role-repositories
    - role: lnls-ans-role-users
      when: global_role_users | default(true) | bool
    - role: lnls-ans-role-network
      when: global_network_role | default(true) | bool
    - role: lnls-ans-role-nvidia-driver
      when: global_import_nvidia_driver_role | default(false) | bool
    - role: lnls-ans-role-ntp

Example Commmand

    ansible-playbook -i host, -u user -k --ask-become-pass <playbook>.yml

Runing Ansible Playbooks

The easiest way to run playbooks on a set of hosts is to use the Makefile:

    make <playbook_name_without_yml_extension>

Example, is you want to run the playbook-control-room-desktops.yml playbook on the set of predefined hosts (see inside playbook), run:

    make playbook-control-room-desktops

To further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern, run:

    make playbook-control-room-desktops HOST_GROUPS=<pattern>

Set SSH RSA/DSA key so you don't need to type the password everytime

In order to do that run the playbook ./playbooks/generic/setup-ssh-key.yml like:

    ansible-playbook \
        -i ./inventories/sirius\
        -i ./inventories/beaglebones\
        -u sirius -k --ask-become-pass\

There is also a make target that automates this. So you can run:

    make playbook-setup-ssh-key

If asked for the Ansible Vault password, type any word...

Make variables

The Makefile contains variables that control how options are passed to ansible.

To change the default values do <VARIABLE_NAME>=<VALUE>.

The following shows which variables are available:


Optional DNS servers to be passed to Molecule. Only used when running Molecule tests.

MOLECULE_DISTRO ?= debian:buster

Docker image to be used in Molecule tests.

BUILD_TYPE ?= default

Molecule build type. Options are "default" or "debug".

HOST_GROUPS ?= control_room_linac_opis

Ansible host groups. Check "hosts" file to see all possible host groups.

REMOTE_USER ?= sirius

Ansible remote SSH user to log in in remote host.


Ask for password. Options are "y" or "n". Use "n" when ssh keys are on remote host.


Ask for vault password. Options are "y" or "n". Use "y" when running a playbook that uses a vault encrypted password.

Molecule tests locally

To run all tests

    make tests

To run a specific test

    make test_<ROLE_NAME>

For example, to run tests for lnls-ans-role-users role:

    make test_lnls-ans-role-users

Optionally, specify DNS servers for docker molecule images

    make test_lnls-ans-role-users DNS_SERVER1=<ip> DNS_SERVER2=<ip>

Optionally, specify the docker distro to run molecule against

    make test_lnls-ans-role-users MOLECULE_DISTRO=<distro>


To install all roles avaialble at the ansible default directory:

    ansible-galaxy install git+,master

If the role is already installed and you want to force an upgrade:

    ansible-galaxy install -f git+,master


ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


If you use a host system with SELinux enabled you might get an error when using Ansible like the following:

    "msg": "Aborting, target uses selinux but python bindings (libselinux-python) aren't installed!"

If that happens, it might be because virtualenv does not have access to libselinux and it can't be installed via pip.

A workaround might be to manually copy the librar files into the virtualenv so that Ansible has access to it.

On a Fedora 29 system, using python3-7, the following fixes the issue:

    cp -r /usr/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/selinux env/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/
    cp -r /usr/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/ env/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/

Be advised, that the python versions might differ and the library names, as well.


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