This project contains some default components for interacting with the EPICS control system using React.
This library can be installed with npm (
npm i sirius-epics-react
To be able to use it you have to import it in your code.
import { SiriusLabel, SiriusInvisible } from "sirius-epics-react";
- pv_name: A single pv (SiriusLed and SiriusLabel) or list of pv names (SiriusInvisible and SiriusChart) that will be monitored with the component.
- egu (Optional): The engineering unit of the pv.
- update_interval (Optional): The interval, in milliseconds, that the component will update its value.
- threshold (Optional): Dictionary with keys and values that will be used as thesholds triggers.
const threshold = { 'alert': 0.1, 'alarm': 0.14 }
- modifyValue (Optional): Function that will be called every time the component is updated and allow the value of the PV to be changed.
T: any function handleMod<T>(value: T, pvname: string): T { return value+0.01 }
The Sirius Tooltip is wrapped around the SiriusLabel and SiriusLed components so that when you click with the scroll button, the name of the PV being monitored in the component will appear.
- text: Text to de displayed on the tooltip.
- children: Component that will trigger the tooltip.
<SiriusTooltip text="This will appear on the tooltip">
children component
The Sirius Led is a component in the format of a Led that can turn into different colors based on a threshold dictionary, always triggering the key corresponding to the last value exceeded.
shape: Set the shape of the Led. Values:
- 'circle': Circle Led
- 'square': Square Led
- 'squ_circ': Square Led with round corners
disc_time (Optional): Set a maximum threshold time to indicate if a PV is frozen.
color (Optional): Customize the color for each threshold value.
The colors of each threshold can be determined by using the color parameter, for it to work the key of the color has to be the same as the key of the desired threshold it represents.
The nc (Not Connected) and normal thresholds colors have default values in case they are not specified.
const threshold_colors = { 'alert': '#f8ff1b', 'alarm': '#ff1b1b' }
<SiriusLed pv_name="A:RANDOM:PV" shape={'circle'} threshold={random_threshold}/>
The Sirius Label is a component to display the value of a PV, be it a string or number.
- precision (Optional): Precision shown in the PV value, if it is a number.
<SiriusLabel pv_name={'A:RANDOM:PV'} precision={3} egu='m'/>
The Sirius Invisible is an invisible component used for monitoring a list of PVs.
<SiriusInvisible pv_name={["A:RANDOM:PV", "ANOTHER:RANDOM:PV"]} modifyValue={modifierFunction}/>
The Sirius Chart is by default a bar chart used for monitoring a list of PVs, the thresholds for the chart are displayed as lines and the bars change color if a threshold is exceeded.
label (Optional): List of labels for each of the pvs displayed. If no label is defined, the complete name of the PV will be used as the label.
color (Optional): Customize the color for each threshold value.
The colors of each threshold can be determined by using the color parameter, for it to work the key of the color has to be the same as the key of the desired threshold it represents.
The nc (Not Connected) and normal thresholds colors have default values in case they are not specified.
const threshold_colors = { 'alert': '#f8ff1b', 'alarm': '#ff1b1b' }
color_label (Optional): List of colors in order to add colors to the X axis labels.
modifyOptions (Optional): Function that will be called on the chart creation and allow the complete customization of the chart options.
T: any M: string | string[] handleOptions<T>(options: T, pv_name?: string[]): T { const scalesOpt: undefined|ScaleType = options.scales; options.plugins.title = { font: { size: 15 } } return options; }
pv_name={['RANDOM:PV1', 'RANDOM:PV2', 'RANDOM:PV3']}
label={['PV 1', 'PV 2', 'PV 3']}