⚠️ This README and other stuff in this repository is still work-in-progress, proceed at your own risk.
This repository is where we write what an word mean, its usages and policies when using it within both internal team communications and in public community places. This is also where our apps and our editorial team at Recap Time redirect you if you still confused between these two Linuses (or worst, between two Michaels (or more if you want)), as of course, where the community can drop their glossaries from their community wikis for the Community Lores project.
The canonical source for this repository is on GitLab SaaS, under the Community-Lores
namespace. Anyone can contribute, but first,
you should be read the contributing documentation. We also maintain an GitHub mirror at https://github.com/Community-Lores/glossary,
but our bots will redirect you to GitLab SaaS (and also automagically close PR) when an PR is being opened, excluding Dependabot PRs and our internal bots.
CC BY-SA 4.0 Unported for the Markdown files in the docs
directory, WIP for other parts of the code.
By submitting an merge request, you agree to license your contributions to these licenses above. Contributions should have signed-off on their commits before being merged in compliance with the DCO, which TL;DR is you declare that you have the right to license your own contributions under the license of this repository in file.