Steps performed for the installation of an internal Jenkins to OpenShift with pipelines library included.
To work with OpenShift it is necessary to have two essential tools in order to interact with the cluster. On the one hand we have the Command Line Interface (CLI) that will allow us to create and manipulate the objects deployed within the cluster, on the other hand it is necessary to have a GIT client that allows us to have access to the application repositories, templates and others components.
- Login to the OpenShift cluster as cluster-admin, and run:
oc new-project cicd --display-name="Jenkins and CI/CD Pipelines"
oc create secret generic repository-credentials \
--from-file=ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa \ -n cicd
oc label secret repository-credentials -n cicd
With these commands, the following are generated:
- A
project where we are going to save all Jenkins elements - A
with the necessary credentials to connect to the git where the pipelines library is hosted - A specific
so jenkins can synchronize the created secret
Note: the creation of the secret uses an RSA token already obtained with the repository, in case the access is done through a user/password, the way to create the secret is:
oc create secret generic repository-credentials \
--from-literal=username=<username> \
--from-literal=password=<password> \ -n cicd
- Then, located in this directory, run:
oc new-build jenkins:2 --binary --name custom-jenkins -n cicd
oc start-build custom-jenkins --from-dir=./jenkins --wait -n cicd
Note: the
at the end of the last command makes the terminal remain taken, note that in the OpenShift web console when the build has finished so that in case the terminal is taken, stop the command by pressing the keys combination: CTRL + C
With these commands we have generated:
- A build config
based on the base imagejenkins:2
- A build pod
that generates the following output:
Using docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins@sha256:02310a4743e1dddb29b37a75ebf10ad0279621b31f31b3f1201433c59736696c as the s2i builder image
---> Copying repository files ...
---> Installing 1 Jenkins plugins using /opt/openshift/plugins.txt ...
Creating initial locks...
Locking openshift-sync:1.0.45
Analyzing war...
Using version-specific update center: ...
Downloading plugins...
Downloading plugin: openshift-sync from
Cleaning up locks
Deleting /tmp/artifacts/plugins
---> Installing new Jenkins configuration ...
sending incremental file list
sent 2,058 bytes received 57 bytes 4,230.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1,781 speedup is 0.84
Pushing image docker-registry.default.svc:5000/cicd/custom-jenkins:latest ...
Pushed 0/11 layers, 1% complete
Pushed 1/11 layers, 10% complete
Pushed 2/11 layers, 20% complete
Pushed 3/11 layers, 31% complete
Pushed 4/11 layers, 41% complete
Pushed 5/11 layers, 45% complete
Push successful
It leaves us an image created.
- Finally we created an instance of 'Jenkins' using this new image:
oc new-app --template=jenkins-persistent --name=jenkins \
--param JENKINS_IMAGE_STREAM_TAG=custom-jenkins:latest \
--param NAMESPACE=cicd \
-n cicd