Repository that stores investigations (for example: manifests, configurations, Java classes, among other programming languages such as Python, PL/SQL, etc).
- VIM Configs:
- Standar Enhanced
- Python DEV
- APIs:
- Php
- api-rest-live: simple API with CRUD and Client web page to consume it with AJAX
- Python
- api-rest-live: simple API with CRUD and Client web page to consume it with AJAX
- Php
- remove the last ".git" extension from git repository URL if exist.
- Ionic:
- Course "Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular"
- fauvoriteQuoteApp: mark quotes as favorite
- exploreCloserLook: a simple gestures (tap, press, slide) app
- recipeBook: app for save recipes and lists with ingredients
- Course "Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular"
- Java:
- Projects
- XMLtoZippedFIlesBase64: Module for Create a ZIP File with XML or CSV Files within and return Base64 of ZIP
- OSBMemoryReferenceToString: Read OSB memory reference and parse it to String
- Base64Translator: Converts Any to Base64 and Decode Base64 to Any
- ClientSOAP: client to consume SOAP webservices using XML
- UploadToHRServer: upload a file to Oracle HR Server
- PoCApacheLDAP: query LDAP and read ZIP file to create CSV File list (opaque list)
- ConsumeRestPoC: simple poc for consume rest service
- FacadeFileObjectsMVC: facade pattern using MVC, Java Reflection and Serializable Objects
- Spring Boot
- api-demo: An example API demo for manage Users in database PostgreSQL
- social-multiplication: Spring boot app for learn microservices
- spring-cloud: Spring Framework Cloud projects example (hystrix, netflix-eureka, sleuth, gateway, config).
- Jersey
- FirstJersey: basic 'Hello World' with Jersey, basic structure
- JerseyClientForConsumeJSON: simple Jersey client to consume webservices through JSON
- Frameworks
- camelinaction-learn: Apache Camel learn, PoCs and Test cases
- Test
- karate: Karate, unified framework to API test-automation, mocks, performance testing and even UI.
- Quarkus:
- greeting: example app that show a greeting message based in the content of an openshift secret.
- opentracing-basis: example of opentracing using jaeger to trace a REST API request.
- quarkus-fault-tolerance: example of fault tolerance methods (Retry, CircuitBreaker, etc).
- Projects
- Python:
- Flask
- ABMUsuarios: Flask with SQLAlchemy + PostgreSQL persistence
- FUAL: Formulario Unico de Alumnos (Flask, SQLAlchemy, HTML Render, SQLite, etc)
- FileUploader: a simple web app to upload files to a server showing progress bar
- FlaskChat: a simple chat app to talk with peoples in different rooms
- MVCFlask: basis the flask and flask_login include blueprints
- Django:
- Platzigram: a simple clone of instagram, puts into practice the basis of Django
- Shoppy: a basic eCommerce django app
- SocialProject: a dummy application to test the login with social networks
- ReportApp: application to generate reports in PDF format
- CRUD: dummy app for testing the most common Class-based views
- DuckAPI: django application to make a PoC of the library "Django REST framework"
- Scripts
- Anonletter: receives a magazine and determines if it is capable of assembling the letter with the characters contained in it
- APIdemo: demo of how to consume an API using python
- HanoiTowers: solve hanoi towers game using python
- UseJSON: how to use python's json module, and manipulate the data structure
- OpenCV
- HandTracking: use mediapipe and opencv to track our hands
- Flask
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Mokepon: video game to learn some programming concepts in Node.js
- express-demo-api: a sample express-demo API to practice CRUD with Node.js
- Node.js
- Oracle
- StoreProcedureTemplate
- Oracle
- Linux
- Configuraciones
- PS1 (folder with awesome PS1 prompts)
- Comandos
- Oracle
- administration script to start and stop Oracle Forms 12c
- administration script for solaris to start and stop Oracle Forms 11g
- Apache
- Tomcat
- administration script to start, stop, restart and get status for Apache Tomcat instances
- Airflow
- administration script to start, stop and restart Apache Airflow.
- Tomcat
- Themes
- Red Hat 8.1 Theme Pack (Boston University Red Color: #CC0000)
- DevOps
- Ansible
- workshop (playbooks and exercises)
- Elasticsearch (exercises and examples)
- Examples
- jenkins-docker (Node.js app dockerized and automated with Jenkins in CI/CD pipelines)
- node-service (Node.js app automated with Circle CI and DigitalOcean using Terraform)
- Ansible
- Docker
- Dockerfiles
- Multi-Stage_Java8
- Dockerfiles
- Wallpapers