This script calculates your numerology profile based on the book by Camila Karolinss, a Czech numerologist.
- Run the script and enter your name and surname. If you have a middle name, write it together with the name, such as "HansAdam".
- Read the numbers and check in the above mentioned book, what it means.
- You can use Czech diacritics in the name, but the calculation also works without it. If you have any strange characters in your name, that are unknown to Czech alphabet, do not use the diacritics, or the script will fail.
- Write an interpreter that will provide information about someone's characteristics, based on the definitions in the book.
- Provide an English translation of the strings.
- The strings are written in Czech.
- Numerology is considered unconfirmed. I take no responsibility for any analysis you will get from this script now and any time in the future.