split a file in m parts such that n are needed to recover
inside the project directory
make && su -c 'make install'
Read the manual pages or invoke the utilities without arguments
If n is equal to m, files Fi get random data Ri for i in 1..n-1, then Fn gets ([x]Ri, i in 1..n-1)
If n is less than m, files Fi get Ri for i in 1..m, then for c in mCn, Fi = ([smin]Fx, x in c), gets ([x]Rj, j in 1..n, j != i)
If the files provided are more than the ones needed, only the first group will be used.
The file signature is [0x80, e, n, m, s], where e is the element number, s the original file size and n, m the user provided parameters. The inspact utility can be used to query file signature
The xspac utility can be used to check if two groups produce the same output. If the files provided are more than the ones needed, only the first* group containing the first file and the first* group not containing the first file will be used.
*first as the first group of files by element matching the stable permutation generator, not in lexicographic order by name