Disclaimer: This library is heavily inspired by beyondscreen/node-rpi-ws281x-native
if you happen to know C++ and node/iojs/V8, I would really appreciate any help and feedback on this module. There is certainly lots of room for improvement.
This module provides native bindings to the rpi_ws281x library by Jeremy Garff to provide a very basic set of functions to write data to a strip of ws2811/ws2812 LEDs. this will only run on the Raspberry Pi.
this module is available via npm:
npm i @bartando/rpi-ws281x-neopixel --save
if you prefer installing from source:
npm install -g node-gyp
git clone --recursive https://github.com/lubomirmolin/rpi-ws281x-nodejs
cd rpi-ws281x-nodejs
npm install
node-gyp rebuild
exports = {
* configures PWM and DMA for sending data to the LEDs.
* @param {?Object} options intialization-options for the library
* (*count = required, frequency = default 800000, dmaNum = default 10,
* gpioPin = default 18, invert = default false, brightness = default 100 [range 0 - 100],
* stripType = default WS2811_STRIP_RGB [see types below])
init: function(options) {},
* Sets color for the pixel by position
* @param position
* @param {r, g, b}
setPixelColor: function (position, {r, g, b}) {},
* Sets one color for the whole strip
* @param {r, g, b}
setAllColor: function ({r, g, b}) {},
* set the overall-brightness for the entire strip.
* @param {Number} brightness value from 0 to 100.
setBrightness: function(brightness) {},
* show data on the LED-strip. Needs to be called for changes to take place
show: function() {},
* clears all LEDs, resets the PWM and DMA-parts and deallocates
* all internal structures.
reset: function() {},
* Retrieves color at given pixel position
* @param position
getPixelColor: function (position) {}
The strip types:
# 4 color R, G, B and W ordering
# 3 color R, G and B ordering
WS2811_STRIP_RGB # Default
Run by sudo node examples/colorwipe.js