My Pets is a PWA that allows owners to register or know the medical history of their pets, and for this, owners can:
- Register your pets in the application and record their medical records themselves.
- Or, just consult the clinical history in the event that the veterinarian you attend records the medical history in My Veterinary.
- The user can register and edit pets and their reviews.
- The user can register new medical consultations for each pet and edit the existing ones.
- The user can register the vaccination card of each pet.
- The user can change their password to enter the application.
- The user can see a list of all registered veterinarians.
- The user can only consult the list of pets and their reviews.
- The user can only consult the medical consultations of each pet.
- The user can only consult the vaccination card of each pet.
- The user can change their password to enter the application.
- The user can see the contact details of their veterinarian and their location on a map.
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Firebase
- Auth
- Firestore
- Styled-components
- Deplyed on Vercel
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Then, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.