EEG pre-processing mainly includes the following processes.
- convert the raw data format into a .set file that can be read by EEGLAB (demo01_move_file_and_change_SET_format.m)
- localize the electrode information of EEG data and convert the EEG reference to bilateral mastoid reference, then band-pass filtering (0.1-40HZ)
(demo02_Preprocess_of_Step1_before_visual_inspection.m ) - remove bad segments by visual inspection and replace bad channels by interpolation (can be achieved by Replace_Bad_Channels.m)
- remove blink, muscle discharge by ICA (demo04_Preprocess_of_Step3_Run_ICA_using_EEGLAB.m)
- epoch the data and then perform baseline correction (retrieve_marker_epoch_baseline_correct.m)