This library was inspired by a project at university where we had to implement an extension to Java optionals. C# provides an alternative to optionals with the null-conditional (?
) and null-coalescing (??
) operators, but there is no easy way to return error messages to calling methods by using these operators without throwing Exceptions or returning custom objects that can contain a value or an error message.
This library's main goal is to provide an easy way for bubbling exceptions and messages up to calling methods without needing an uncountable amount of try-catch-blocks and if-statements. To achieve this goal, the library distinguishes between three kinds of optionals:
- those which contain values
- those which contain only a message
- those which contain a message and an exception
1. Creating optionals
using LunarDoggo.Optionals;
void SomeMethod()
//Create an optional containing a value
IOptional<int> value = Optional.OfValue<int>(12);
//Create an optional containing a message
IOptional<int> message = Optional.OfMessage<int>("Insert your message here");
//Create an optional containing an exception
IOptional<int> exception = Optional.OfException<int>(new ArgumentException("Some message"));
//Create an optional containing an exception and a custom message
IOptional<int> exception = Optional.OfException<int>(new ArgumentException("Some exception"), "Custom message");
//Create an optional from a collection of optionals of the same generic type
IOptional<IEnumerable<int>> values = Optional.OfOptionals<IEnumerable<int>>(new[] { Optional.OfValue<int>(1), [...] });
, Optional.OfException<T>(Exception)
and Optional.OfException<T>(Exception, string)
are mainly used when mapping an optional using the methods IOptional<T>.FlatMap<S>(Func<T, IOptional<S>>)
and IOptional<T>.SafeFlatMap<S, V>(Func<T, IOptional<S>>)
in order to
2. Map between different types of optionals
using LunarDoggo.Optionals;
void SomeMethod()
IOptional<string> value = Optional.Of<string>("123");
//Map to int
IOptional<int> map = value.Map(_str => Int32.Parse(_str)); //does not catch exceptions
IOptional<int> safeMap = value.SafeMap<int, FormatException>(_str => Int32.Parse(_str)); //catches Exceptions of the provided type and returns an IOptional<T> containing the caught Exception if one was caught
//FlatMap to int; useful for example for validation
IOptional<int> flatMap = value.FlatMap(_str => {
int i = Int32.Parse(_str);
if(i > 100)
return Optional.OfMessage<int>("Expected a value less or equal to 100");
return Optional.OfValue<int>(i);
}); //does not catch exceptions
IOptional<int> safeFlatMap = value.FlatMap<int, FormatException>(_str => {
int i = Int32.Parse(_str);
if(i > 100)
return Optional.OfMessage<int>("Expected a value less or equal to 100");
return Optional.OfValue<int>(i);
}); //catches Exceptions of the provided type and returns an IOptional<T> containing the caught Exception if one was caught
Please be aware that optionals that contain a message or an Exception
will always return an optional containing the same message or Exception
, the provided mapping functions will not be executed
3. Apply changes to an optional:
using LunarDoggo.Optionals;
void SomeMethod()
//Apply something to the contained value (only changes the contained value if the optional contains an object of a mutable reference type)
IOptional<int[]> values = Optional.OfValue<int[]>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }).Apply(_values => _values[1] = 10); //sets the second value in the array contained in the optional to 10
Please be aware that optionals that contain a message or an Exception
will not execute the provided action
4. Extract values from an optional without using the Value property:
using LunarDoggo.Optionals;
void SomeMethod()
IOptional<string> value = Optional.Of<string>("123");
//Convert an optional to a string
string intValue = value.ToString(_str => _str + "!"); //returns "123!" in this example
string message = Optional.OfMessage<int>("Some message").ToString(_i => _i); //returns "Some message"
//Get the contained value or an alternative
string val1 = value.OrElse("Empty"); //Returns "123" in this example
int val2 = Optional.OfMessage<int>("Message").OrElse(123); //returns 123
int val3 = Optional.OfMessage<int>("Message").OrElse(() => 321); //returns 321
Methods and properties provided by every IOptional<T>
Method/Property | Description |
bool HasValue { get; } |
Returns whether the optional contains a value |
T Value { get; } |
Returns the contained value if it is present otherwise, a NotSupportedException is thrown |
bool HasMessage { get; } |
Returns whether the optional contains a message |
string Message { get; } |
Returns the contained message if it is present, otherwise a NotSupportedException is thrown |
bool HasException { get; } |
Returns whether the optional contains an Exception |
IOptional<S> SafeFlatMap<S, V : Exception>(Func<T, IOptional<S>>) |
maps this optional to an optional of type S . Use this version if you want to catch a specific kind of exception |
IOptional<S> SafeFlatMap(Func<T, IOptional<S>>) |
maps this optional to an optional of type S . Use this version if you want to catch any kind of exception |
IOptional<S> FlatMap(Func<T, IOptional<S>>) |
maps this optional to an optional of type S |
IOptional<S> SafeMap<S, V : Exception>(Func<T, S>) |
maps this optional to an optional of type S . Use this version if you want to catch a specific kind of exception |
IOptional<S> SafeMap(Func<T, S>) |
maps this optional to an optional of type S . Use this version if you want to catch any kind of exception |
IOptional<S> Map(Func<T, S>) |
maps this optional to an optional of type S |
IOptional<T> Map(Action<T>) |
applies an Action<T> to the contained value |
IOptional<T> IfHasException(Action<Exception>) |
the provided action is executed if the optional contains an exception |
IOptional<T> IfHasMessage(Action<string>) |
the provided action is executed if the optional contains a message |
IOptional<T> IfHasValue(Action<T>) |
the provided action is executed if the optional contains a value |
string ToString(Func<T, string>) |
converts the contained value to a string if it is present, otherwise the contained message is returned |
T OrElseThrow(Exception) |
Returnes the contained value if it is present, otherwise the provided exception is thrown |
T OrElse(Func<T>) |
Returnes the contained value if it is present, otherwise the result of provided function returning an object of type T is returned |
T OrElse(T) |
Returnes the contained value if it is present, otherwise the provided parameter of type T is returned |
Note: the methods IfHasValue and Apply functionally behave the same way, but IfHasValue is intended to call other code if a value is contained, whereas Apply is intended to be used to alter the contained value itself
Methods provided by the static class Optional
Method | Description |
IOptional<T> OfValue<T>(T) |
Creates a new IOptional<T> containing the provided value |
IOptional<T> OfMessage<T>(string) |
Creates a new IOptional<T> containing the provided message |
IOptional<T> OfException<T>(Exception) |
Creates a new IOptional<T> containing the provided Exception |
IOptional<T> OfException<T>(Exception, string) |
Creates a new IOptional<T> containing the provided Exception and custom message |
IOptional<IEnumerable<T>> OfOptionals<T>(IEnumerable<IOptional<T>>) |
Creates a new IOptional<IEnumerable<T>> containing the value of all provided IOptional<T> objects. If any of the provided objects contains an Exception , the resulting optional contains all Exception s, if any of the provided objects contains a message, all Messages will be concatenated to a single one and an optional containing this message will be returned instead |
Extension methods provided by the static class Optional
Extension method | Description |
IOptional<IEnumerable<T>> Filter<T>(Func<T, bool>) |
Filters all values contained in the optional and returns an optional that only contains the items that match the provided filter |
IOptional<S> ForEach<S, T>(Action<T>) where S : IEnumerable<T> |
Applies the provided action to every item of the optional's contained collection |
IOptional<S> Convert<T, S, V>(Func<T, S>) |
Returns an optional that contains the same values as the provided optional but with another kind of collection derived from IEnumerable<V> |
IOptional<S> Cast<T, S, V>() |
Returns an optional that contains the same collection as the calling optional, but with a type cast applied to it |