Go Image Resize is a command line tool resize Http Url images or native images.
Go Image Resize written by golang, based on github.com/nfnt/resize
library, support interpolation functions setting.
- Local file, url image resource file resize with special width and height.
- Scanning local file directory images and resize them.
- Image file size, name filtering
- Resize interpolation function specification
- Jpeg quality setting
- Support batch and concurrent image resize processing
- Water Image Support
- Http Request timeout setting
- Http Proxy Setting (when download special network image)
- Crawler url Support (when one want one html page's image)
- Short Param Support
- Concurrent resource setting (now no limit concurrent resource setting)
- More image format support (now only support jpeg,png,gif)
Please note: the toolkit may continue to make major changes until version 0.1
go get -u github.com/tkstorm/goimgrz
$ goimgrz -img ./testdata/gopher2018.png -w 400
2019/06/25 16:10:16 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/gopher2018.png (inputW=400,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz -scdir ./testdata -w 500 -dst /tmp/goimgrz/500
2019/06/25 16:11:22 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/500/gopher2018.png (inputW=500,inputH=0)
2019/06/25 16:11:22 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/500/web_bg.jpg (inputW=500,inputH=0)
2019/06/25 16:11:23 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/500/IMG_2489.JPG (inputW=500,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz -url https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1\*n1kWgo0dPS80uoE430hqSQ.jpeg -w 300
2019/06/22 18:42:17 resize ok: /tmp/1*n1kWgo0dPS80uoE430hqSQ.jpeg (inputW=300,inputH=0)
Tips: Be careful of the special characters in the Url and try to use single quotation marks.
$ goimgrz -urls https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1\*k74qnaAcJd3bzRj7PnLIbg.jpeg,https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2600/0\*jraDH1ztolpSmT9I
2019/06/22 18:49:29 resize ok: /tmp/1*k74qnaAcJd3bzRj7PnLIbg.jpeg (inputW=300,inputH=0)
2019/06/22 18:49:30 resize ok: /tmp/0*jraDH1ztolpSmT9I (inputW=300,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz -img ./testdata/IMG_2489.JPG -w 500 -qty 85
2019/06/25 16:14:28 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/IMG_2489.JPG (inputW=500,inputH=0)
The provided interpolation functions support (from fast to slow execution time)
- 0: NearestNeighbor
- 1: Bilinear
- 2: Bicubic
- 3: MitchellNetravali
- 4: Lanczos2
- 5: Lanczos3
$ goimgrz -img ./testdata/IMG_2489.JPG -w 500 -itp 2
2019/06/25 16:16:40 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/IMG_2489.JPG (inputW=500,inputH=0)
$ ll -h ./testdata
total 4480
-rw-r--r--@ 1 Terry access_bpf 1.9M 6 19 02:26 IMG_2489.JPG
-rw-r--r--@ 1 Terry staff 106K 9 10 2018 gopher2018.png
-rw-r--r--@ 1 Terry staff 186K 4 2 15:04 web_bg.jpg
$ goimgrz -scdir ./testdata -size +1M
2019/06/23 23:02:20 resize ok: /tmp/IMG_2489.JPG (inputW=300,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz -scdir ./testdata -size +1M -v
2019/06/25 16:20:44 resize fail: error(31): not satisfy, limit size:+1M, file size:108873
2019/06/25 16:20:44 resize fail: error(31): not satisfy, limit size:+1M, file size:190717
2019/06/25 16:20:45 resize ok: /tmp/goimgrz/IMG_2489.JPG (inputW=0,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz -scdir ./testdata -size -200k
2019/06/23 23:14:45 resize ok: /tmp/gopher2018.png (inputW=300,inputH=0)
2019/06/23 23:14:45 resize ok: /tmp/web_bg.jpg (inputW=300,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz -scdir ./testdata -size -1M -name '*/*.png'
2019/06/23 23:08:22 resize ok: /tmp/gopher2018.png (inputW=300,inputH=0)
$ goimgrz --help
Usage: goimgrz [options...]
Goimgrz version 0.0.1, a simple image resizing tool that supports web or local images.
Resize image source:
-url Web images to be resize,
image source(url|urls|img|imgs|scdir) at least need set one
-urls Multiple web images to be resize, separated by ','
-img Local images to be resize
-imgs Multiple local images to be resize, separated by ','
-scdir Scanned file image file directory
-name Using shell pattern to filter image, like *.png
-size Using file size to filter image, like +200k
Resize Setting:
-w Set resize image's width, default width is 0 represent origin image
-h Set resize image's height, default height is 0 represent origin image
-cfmt Convert image output format(jpg|png|gif)
-itp The provided interpolation functions support (from fast to slow execution time).
-qty Set resize image's quality percent
Image Saving:
-dst The output dir
-v Verbose message