A helm chart for installing the grafana-operator, adding a datasource, setting up a grafana instance, dashboards and alerts. This chart was tested against an RHOCP cluster. However, you may augment it and make it installable onto other Kubernetes flavors.
Installing this chart will setup the following resources:
Admin level resources
represents a store of metadata that OLM can query to discover and install operators and their dependencies.
its purpose is to authenticate against the metrics server via a
Non Admin level resources
represents an intention to install an operator. It is the CustomResource that relate an operator to a CatalogSource.
used for mounting certificates
for securing the session cookie
Grafana Operator CRDs
these are CRDs that comes with installing the Grafana Operator.
Follow these steps to setup the monitoring stack and related dashboards.
User Workload monitoring is enabled
Ensure you have access to an OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster.
Validate you have enough privileges to deploy OperatorGroup and CatalogSource CRDs.
for this, a user may rely on Infra team for a ServiceAccount or have someone else with elevated privileges apply them.
installed on workstation from which commands are run. -
WORKDIR is assumed to be the root directory of the parent helm chart.
Feel free to use helm template … | oc apply -f -
or helm upgrade --install …
. For this guide I will be utilizing the helm upgrade --install
Install the olm-resources subchart
This step requires elevated privileges. In a multi-tenant environment there might be a Infra/DevOps team handling this responsibility.
Verify chart is syntactically correct.
# COMMAND helm lint ./charts/olm-resources # OUTPUT ==> Linting ./charts/olm-resources [INFO] Chart.yaml: icon is recommended 1 chart(s) linted, 0 chart(s) failed
Install the olm-resources subchart.
# Fill in NAMESPACE details # Verify chart helm upgrade --install olm-resources ./charts/olm-resources -n NAMESPACE --dry-run # Fill in NAMESPACE helm upgrade --install olm-resources ./charts/olm-resources -n NAMESPACE
# COMMAND $ helm install --upgrade olm-resources ./charts/olm-resources -n monitoring # OUTPUT Release "olm-resources" does not exist. Installing it now. NAME: olm-resources LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Feb 2 09:29:34 2022 NAMESPACE: monitoring STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Installs the olm-resources.
Install the grafana-resources CRDs.
Update the following values in
alerts: prometheusRules: enabled: false alertManager: enabled: false grafana: # Uses regex namespace: # Replace with your namespace names patterns whitelist: "abc-.*|acb-.*" blacklist: ".*-bld" pod: # Replace with your pod names patterns whitelist: "web.*|.*service.*" blacklist: ".*-build"
Verify chart is syntactically correct.
# COMMAND helm lint ./charts/grafana-resources # OUTPUT ==> Linting grafana-resources [INFO] Chart.yaml: icon is recommended 1 chart(s) linted, 0 chart(s) failed
Install the grafana-resources.
The serice account(grafana-thanos) with cluster-monitoring-view role will be provided by infra/DevOps team; seek their assistance before proceeding.
# Fill in SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, NAMESPACE # olm-resources subchart configures a ServiceAccount: grafana-serviceaccount or grafana-thanos # Verify chart is installable helm upgrade --install grafana-resources ./charts/grafana-resources --set grafanaDataSource.auth.bearerToken="$(oc sa get-token SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME -n NAMESPACE)" --set grafanaInstance.serverRootUrl="$(oc get route ROUTE_NAME -o jsonpath={.spec.host} -n NAMESPACE)" -n NAMESPACE --dry-run # Install the chart helm upgrade --install grafana-resources ./charts/grafana-resources --set grafanaDataSource.auth.bearerToken="$(oc sa get-token SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME -n NAMESPACE)" --set grafanaInstance.serverRootUrl="$(oc get route ROUTE_NAME -o jsonpath={.spec.host} -n NAMESPACE)" -n NAMESPACE
# COMMAND $ helm upgrade --install grafana-resources ./charts/grafana-resources --set grafanaDataSource.auth.bearerToken="$(oc sa get-token grafana-thanos -n acb-monitoring)" --set grafanaInstance.serverRootUrl="$(oc get route grafana-route -o jsonpath={.spec.host} -n abc-monitoring)" -n abc-monitoring # OUTPUT elease "grafana-resources" has been upgraded. Happy Helming! NAME: grafana-resources LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Feb 17 17:39:58 2022 NAMESPACE: abc-monitoring STATUS: deployed REVISION: 55 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Installs Grafana resources. This include the following: - Grafana - GrafanaDataSource - GrafanaDashboard - GrafanaNotificationChannel - PrometheusRule: Set alerts.prometheusRules.enabled to true for installation. - AlertManager: Set alerts.alertManager.enabled to true for installation. Configuration: Incomplete, provide missing configs.
If you get a "grafana-route" not found error, just reapply the chart, it will find the route the second time.
Post installation of the charts above steps, you should see the following resources:
Pods running in the monitoring namespace
# Fill in NAMESPACE oc get pods -n NAMESPACE # OUTPUT NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE grafana-deployment-59c7bf4d7f-stzd5 2/2 Running 0 7d23h grafana-operator-controller-manager-676bbd6cf9-jqg44 2/2 Running 0 26d
Service Instances
# Fill in NAMESPACE oc get service -n NAMESPACE # OUTPUT NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE grafana-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service ClusterIP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <none> 8443/TCP 26d grafana-service ClusterIP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <none> 3000/TCP,9091/TCP 7d23h
A route instance
# Fill in NAMESPACE oc get route -n NAMESPACE # OUTPUT NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARD grafana-route grafana-route-NAMESPACE.apps.MY-DOMAIN.com / grafana-service grafana-proxy reencrypt None
Test accessing the grafana web ui
Grab the route host
# Fill in NAMESPACE oc get route grafana-route -o jsonpath={.spec.host} -n NAMESPACE # OUTPUT grafana-route-NAMESPACE.apps.MY-DOMAIN.com
Open a browser and goto the url captured in above step
Sign in with your OpenShift credentials.