Secret No-Compromise Minesweeper project (shhhhh)
Not so secret anymore, I honestly hope people will know how to use it.
For compilation instructions look at the Compiling section.
Users should run the SFML versions with the present working directory $PWD
set to the root of the project. This is because SFML is pointed to assets in the ./assets/ directory. If one chooses to run the binary from somewhere else, they should copy the assets directory so that it will be in the $PWD
Example: Running a binary from the project root directory
$ ./bin/sfml_sweeper
- For CLI modes, the instructions are displayed, and accessible throughout the game.
Syntax: <command> [column] [row]
r - Reveal field,
f - Toggle flag,
h - Display help,
q - Force quit.
- For GUI modes, the keybindings are intuitive, field selection is done by hovering the mouse over a field:
LMB - Reveal field,
RMB - Toggle flag,
Q - Force quit (reveal all mines and wait for the user to close the window).
- To build all targets run:
$ make
- To build a specific taget run:
$ make <target>
Available targets:
- CLI minesweeper gamecli_debug
- CLI minesweeper game with debug viewsfml
- GUI minesweeper gamesfml_debug
- GUI minesweeper game with debug view
$ make [<target>] <options>
- When building CLI targets it is possible to enable colour support with:
- When building any target it is possible to enable compiler optimisation with:
- When building any target it is possible to allow to choose the DEBUG difficulty with: