This responsitory contains the code of paper Learning Binary Code for Personalized Fashion Recommendation
- pytorch
- torchvision
- numpy
- pandas
- tqdm: A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
- lmdb: A universal Python binding for the LMDB 'Lightning' Database.
- yaml: PyYAML is a full-featured YAML framework for the Python programming language.
- visdom: To start a visdom server run
python -m visdom.server
I upgraded the version of PyTorch to 1.2.0
and the package dependency is solved automatically with conda
The last 4 packages can be install via conda
conda install python-lmdb pyyaml visdom tqdm -c conda-forge
The main script scripts/
currently supports the following functions:
# train models
"train": train,
# runing the FITB task
"fitb": fitb,
# evaluate pairs accuracy
"evaluate-accuracy": evalute_accuracy,
# evaluate NDCG and AUC
"evaluate-rank": evalute_rank,
# compute the binary codes
"extract-features": extract_features,
There are three main modules in polyvore
: module for polyvore-datasetpolyvore.model
: module for fashion hash netpolyvore.solver
: module for training
For configurations, see polyvore.param
, and we give some examples in cfg
folder. The configuration file was written in yaml format.
To train FHN-T3
with both visual and semantic features, run the following script:
scripts/ train --cfg ./cfg/train/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml
To evaluate the accuracy of positive-negative pairs:
scripts/ evaluate-accuracy --cfg ./cfg/evalute/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml
To evaluate the rank quality:
scripts/ evaluate-rank --cfg ./cfg/evaluate-rank/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml
To evaluate the FITB task:
scripts/ fitb --cfg ./cfg/fitb/FHN_VSE_T3_630.yaml
Download the data from OneDrive and put the
folder underdata
; -
Unzip the
; -
to convert images and save indata/polyvore/lmdb
script/ data/polyvore/images/291x291 data/polyvore/images/lmdb
format can accelerate the load of images and set as default in configuration. If you don't want to use thelmdb
format, change the setting touse_lmdb: false
See <data/> for details
author = {Lu, Zhi and Hu, Yang and Jiang, Yunchao and Chen, Yan and Zeng, Bing},
title = {{Learning Binary Code for Personalized Fashion Recommendation}},
booktitle = {CVPR},
year = {2019}