- Refactor backend into /resources ✅
- Add models for Focus, Notes, Quote, Background, Photo.. 📌
- BG PhotoUpload with Cloudinary 📌
- Convert to ES Modules ❓
- bring in files ✅
- React Router ✅
- Register & Login Redux Forms ✅
- Auth: connect backend to client, store token on client ✅
- Welcome component: conditional ✅
- localstorage of user, token ✅
- Private Route ✅
- TODO component & db crud 🔄
- FOCUS component & db crud 📌
- NOTE component & db crud 📌
- QUOTE component & db crud 📌
- weather search by city 📌
- BG Component + db crud + Photo Upload with Cloudinary 📌
- browser search 📌
- Links 📌
- Settings for weather, quotes, background photos (search, add to faves, upload/add, change) 📌
- React
- Redux
- React-Router
- Redux-Thunk
- Redux-Form
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Unsplash API
- localstorage
- Browser geolocation API
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- jsonwebtoken
- bcrypt
- cloudinary