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Terraform plugin breaking change detector.


go install


tfpluginbcd detects breaking changes between two terraform plugin schemas. The typical workflow is as below (given your terraform plugin is based on terraform-plugin-sdk):

  • Checkout the terraform plugin project with version v1, run the helper script from the project root dir: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" bash <your_provider_func> (Replace your_provider_func with your provider's init function in form of <package path>.<function name>. E.g. for terraform-provider-azurerm, it is Redirect the output schema to a file called schema_v1.json
  • Repeat above for v2, output the schema to a file called schema_v2.json
  • Run tfpluginbcd run -all schema_v1.json schema_v2.json (You can also select a subset of rules by --rule option, or feed your custom rules via --custom-rule) to show any breaking change between v1 and v2


Pre-defined Rules

tfpluginbcd defines several rules which are regarded as breaking changes for most of users:

Name Description Rego Expression
R001 A resource is deleted c.kind == "resource"; not c.is_data_source; c.is_delete
R002 A data source is deleted c.kind == "resource"; c.is_data_source; c.is_delete
R003 An attribute is deleted c.kind == "attribute"; c.is_delete
R004 A block is deleted c.kind == "block"; c.is_delete
R005 The type of an attribute is changed c.kind == "attribute"; c.is_modify; c.modification.type
R006 An optional attribute is changed to be required c.kind == "attribute"; c.is_modify; == true
R007 An optional block is changed to be required c.kind == "block"; c.is_modify; == true
R008 A new required attribute is added c.kind == "attribute"; c.is_add; c.current.required == true
R009 A new required block is added c.kind == "block"; c.is_add; c.current.required == true

Custom Rules

Users can specify custom rules via the --custom-rule option. tfpluginbcd uses Rego to define the breaking change rules. The content of the --custom-rule is Rego expressions, where users are provided with a special reference c that represents each schema change.

The definition of the schema change (i.e. c) can be one of below:

  1. Resource/DataSource Change: Resource/Data Source level schema changes

        "kind"          : "resource",
        "type"          : string,                   # The terraform resource type
        "is_data_source": bool,
        # Exactly one of below can be true
        "is_add"        : bool,
        "is_delete"     : bool,
        "is_modify"     : bool,
        "current"       : <Resource>,               # The current resource schema, which is present only when is_add/is_modify is true
        "modification"  : <ResourceModification>    # The resource schema modification, which present only when is_modify is true

    The Resource is defined as:

        "schema_version": int # The resource's schema version

    The ResourceModification has the same fields as Resource, except each field is a Modification object, which is present only when that field is changed.

  2. Attribute Change: Attribute level schema changes, which includes provider, resource and data source attributes

        "kind"          : "attribute",
        "scope"         : <Scope>,                  # The scope of this attribute
        "path"          : []string                  # The path to the attribute
        # Exactly one of below can be true
        "is_add"        : bool,
        "is_delete"     : bool,
        "is_modify"     : bool,
        "current"       : <Resource>,               # The current attribute schema, which is present only when is_add/is_modify is true
        "modification"  : <ResourceModification>    # The attribute schema modification, which present only when is_modify is true

    The Attribute is defined as:

        "kind"              : "attribute",
        "type"              : cty.Type,
        "required"          : bool,
        "optional"          : bool,
        "computed"          : bool,
        "force_new"         : bool,
        "default"           : any,
        "sensitive"         : bool,
        "conflicts_with"    : []string,
        "required_with"     : []string,
        "at_leatst_one_of"  : []string,
        "exactly_one_of"    : []string

    The AttributeModification has the same fields as Attribute, except each field is a Modification object, which is present only when that field is changed.

  3. Block Change: Block level schema changes, which includes provider, resource and data source blocks

        "kind"          : "block",
        "scope"         : <Scope>,                  # The scope of this attribute
        "path"          : []string                  # The path to the attribute
        # Exactly one of below can be true
        "is_add"        : bool,
        "is_delete"     : bool,
        "is_modify"     : bool,
        "current"       : <Block>,                  # The current block schema, which is present only when is_add/is_modify is true
        "modification"  : <BlockModification>       # The block schema modification, which present only when is_modify is true

    The Block is defined as:

        "kind"              : "block",
        "nesting_mode"      : int,
        "required"          : bool,
        "optional"          : bool,
        "computed"          : bool,
        "force_new"         : bool,
        "conflicts_with"    : []string,
        "required_with"     : []string,
        "at_leatst_one_of"  : []string,
        "exactly_one_of"    : []string,
        "min_items"         : int,
        "max_items"         : int

    The BlockModification has the same fields as Block, except each field is a Modification object, which is present only when that field is changed.


  • The Modification object is defined as:

        From: any,  # The source value
        To: any     # The destination value
  • The Scope object can be one of below:

    • Provider scope:

          "kind": "provider"
    • Reosurce/DataSource scope:

          "kind"          : "resource",
          "type"          : string,       # The terraform resource type
          "is_data_source": bool

Examples custom rules:

Description Rego Expression
Set a default value to an attribute (which was null) c.kind == "attribute"; c.modification["default"].from == null
The max_items is decreased for a block c.kind == "block"; < c.modification.max_items.from


Terraform plugin schema breaking change detector








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