The number of coronavirus infections in our country is constantly increasing. It is essential to read mask to prevent coronavirus attacks. The purpose of this project is to have a system that will be controlled by the camera and if the person's face is displayed on the camera, the door will open for him/her if he is wearing Max. In this case, we can reduce the corona virus infection by reading mask.
• Load images using Python
• Convert images into array
• finally apply some algorithm on that array
Another good thing is that we have a library known as OpenCV which will help us to read the image and return array of color pixels.
• OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library.
• The library has more than 2500 optimized algorithms.
• It has C++, Python, Java and MATLAB interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Android and Mac OS.
• It will help us to load images in Python and convert them into array.
• Each index of array represents (red, green, blue) color pixel which ranges from 0 to 255
Now its ready to perform basic image processing using OpenCV Package. Now after importing OpenCV I can read an image. So, when i read any image using OpenCV it returns object of numpy array by default and using img.shape we are checking the height and width of image and also it returns 3 which is the color channel of image. Now i can see the values of array are the color values actually.
IDE : Jupyter Notebook Version: 6.3.0
Language: Python 3.9
• Failed to load file
• Failed to detect object
• Dataset failed to load
• Some little bugs on Sk learn module
This was a great experience doing this project. This project was intended to make the pandemic system easier and reliable and a number of people will benefit from using this system. The challenges I faced and the learning that will come in great help in the future.
~~Thank you ~~
Face Mask Detection© Md. Mahfuzur Rahman
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