climAR is a fast and easy-to-use Augmented Reality Weather app that provides weather information around the current location. It gives the option to choose between the Metric System (ºC) and English System (ºF), and it shows more detailed information such as humidity, wind speed and pressure. It currently works on Android and iOS devices and more features shall be implemented according to the users’ needs and wishes.
- climAR is a web application and works with Wifi and/or Mobile Data
- It has been wrapped using Apache Cordoba targeting Android and iOS platforms
- It implements Framework7 to provide a native look and feel
- It includes ezAR™ plugins to implement augmented reality
- It uses Yahoo Weather API to get up-to-date weather information
- It is the most advanced augmented realty weather app, ever.
- Create a new Apache Cordoba project
- Download the source files folder (src) and copy it into your new project
- Add the platforms (Android and iOS)
- Build the platforms (all resources/plugins will be automatically downloaded)
- Deploy the app on your mobile device
- As simple as that ;-)
- Enjoy and please send your feeback