Finflix is a video library for finance content. Start your basic financial knowledge with finflix and keep growing your wealth.
Take a look at Finflix
- User able to login by entering email and password
- User can use guest credentials to login
- Form validation is done for login fields
Sign Up
- User able to create account and signup for the site
- Form validation is done for signup fields
Explore page
- It list all the vidoes provided by finflix
- Filter videos by category using the category chips.
- search for video using the search field
Like Feature
- User can like/Remove like of the video in single video page
- Logged in user only can like the video
- Likeed videos page shows all the liked videos and option to remnove it from liked.
Watchlater Feature
- User can add/remove a video from Watch later in single video page
- Logged in user only can watchlater the video
- User can also add to watch later from video listing page
- Watchlater videos page shows all the watch later videos and option to remnove it from watch later.
Playlist Feature
- User can add/remove a video from playlist in single video page
- Logged in user only can add videos in playlist.
- User can also add to playlist from video listing page
- User can create a playlist using the create playlist modal
- Playlisted videos page shows all the playlist created and option to delete playlist.
- Each playlist has single page for it where it contains all the video added to that particular page and option to delete it.
History Feature
- When the user clicks the video from video listing page it is added to the history.
- History page shows all the videos that the user has watched.
- History page has option to remove particular video from history and clear all the videos from history
Single Video Page
- Single Video page has the video player from video.
- Single video page has option to like, watch later and add to playlist
- Single video page also shows the Recommended videos and more videos from the same creator.
Profile page
- User profile page with email id of the user
- Button to logout from the app.
Private Routes
- All the user specific routes are made as private routes and can be accessed only after login
Loaders and Toasts
- Loaders and toast is provided as the acknowledgment to the users
- As of now this app uses mock API as the backend, Hence the data can't be persisted on refresh. Will try to add backend in the future.
$ git clone
$ cd finflix
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Upload video functionality
- Video count
Resources that help in building Finflix includes