If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me! Feedback will always be appreciated 😉
Here is my exercise table which consists of many exercises taken from different coding platforms (LeetCode, HackerRank, etc)
Challenge / Language | Go | Java | Rust |
Group Anagrams | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Longest Substring | ✅ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Coin Change | ⭕ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Unique Paths | ⭕ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | ✅ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Ransom Note | ✅ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Find Largest Square in Matrix | ⭕ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Reward Top k Students | ⭕ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Rotate strings to Left or Right | ⭕ | ⭕ | ⭕ |
Fibonacci Number | ⭕ | ✅ | ⭕ |
- ✅ Completed and working.
- ⭕ Not started or incomplete.
Date: 21/04/2023
Currently, my Rust knowledge is quite basic, however, I'll be trying to improve it by solving the easier exercises.