PolishHolidays is a simple library that returns list of Polish holidays.
To use it with Maven add:
Basic usage:
List<Holiday> holidays = HolidayCalendars
directory contains more extensive example.
To run the example navigate to example
directory and run:
../mvnw -f pom.xml clean package
java -jar ./target/example-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
This will start a simple calendar program:
This project uses Eclipse Code formatter. Setup instructions for IntelliJ:
Code style (based on Google Java Styleguide) is stored in eclipse-java-google-style.xml
To compile and run tests execute:
Reformat source code:
./mvnw spotless:apply
Browse SpotBugs report:
./mvnw spotbugs:gui
Publish package to Maven Central:
./mvnw clean deploy -Psonatype