title | description | author | ms.author | ms.date | ms.topic | keywords |
Surfaces |
Learn how to create tactile sensations with visual, audio, and articulated hand-tracking in the Surfaces sample app. |
cre8ivepark |
dongpark |
06/18/2020 |
article |
Windows Mixed Reality, design, sample app, controls, MRTK, Mixed Reality Toolkit, Unity, sample apps, example apps, open source, Microsoft Store, HoloLens, mixed reality headset, windows mixed reality headset, virtual reality headset |
This article discusses an exploratory sample we’ve created in the Mixed Reality Design Labs, a place where we share our learnings about and suggestions for mixed reality app development. Our design-related articles and code will evolve as we make new discoveries.
Surfaces is an open-source sample app from Microsoft's Mixed Reality Design Labs. It explores how we can create a tactile sensation with visual, audio, and fully articulated hand-tracking.
If you have HoloLens 2 device, you can directly download and install the app in your device.
[!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE4IhWQ]
Recorded with HoloLens 2 using Mixed Reality Capture
Surfaces demonstrates how to use Mixed Reality Toolkit(MRTK)'s input system and building blocks to create an app experience for HoloLens 2. In this project, you can find the examples of:
- Use MRTK's Input System, specifically hand / joint tracking.
- Use MRTK's Standard Shader for performant graphics.
You can use this project's components to create your own mixed reality app experiences.
Learnings from the MR Surfaces App
Lars Simkins, Senior designer behind the MRDL Surfaces app talks about the app's design story and technical highlights.
Yoon Park UX Designer @Microsoft |