Quick and dirty Arduino code to being able to control your Robomow RL series mower* with a PPM remote.
*= Tested with Robomow City 120 however likely to work with RL-1000, RL-2000 RL-550, RL-850, etc. which has similar removable terminal with pigtail cable. It is possible that similar mowers are compatible, however RL-500 is known to be using a different protocol.
- PPM compatible RC transmitter an receiver (tested with a DJI Phantom MK1 remote an receiver)
- Arduino Pro micro (the code shall be portable to other Arduinos)
- Inverter to the Arduino TX line
- PPM-reader library from Nikkilae
Connection info - see schematic in cad folder
- Hook your PPM receiever's output to the Arduino's pin 3
- Remove the terminal from the mower
- Connect your Serial1 port TX pin to the RX pin of mower's terminal RJ11 (pin 5)
- Power your Arduino and the mower
- Profit!