This script is used to validate JSON files against one or more JSON-schemas. (See json-schema.org)
The script has been tested for json-schema draft 3 and 4.
Tested on node-0.10.x and node.11.x, requires npm.
$ npm install -g jsonvalidate
This will install the script globally according to your system and you can use it as a standard commandline tool
$ jsonvalidate
Usage: jsonvalidate [options]
-f, --file JSON file [-]
-e, --extra extra JSON schema file
-s, --schema JSON schema file
-d, --debug Debug logging
If no file is provided, the default, '-' is taken, stdin is used as input:
$ cat foo.json | jsonvalidate -s fooschema.json
Extra schemas can be loaded for included schemas:
$ jsonvalidate -f foobar.json -s foo-schema.json -e bar-schema.json