This is tutorial project from my React Course. Placeholder api was used to fetch out the names and the email.
Course Link -> Zero to Hero Mastery Complete React Developer
Create React App
- What is
? - How its different from
? - What actually is CRA ?
- What is
- How its different from javascript ?
- How naming is done in JSX like insead of dash we are using camelCase and others.
Function Component And Class Component
- Difference between there structure
- Automatic binding in ES6
Arrow function
- When to use which one ?
React State
- What is state ?
- Uni - Directional Data Flow
- How to update them using
- Some Special props in react
Life Cycle Methods
- What are different life cycle methods?
- why are they needed ?
- When they are invoked ?
Building and Pushing to Github Pages
- gh-pages library was used and hosted through the teminal
I understood why react is needed and what the perks of using it.
What is a SPA
( Single Page Application ) ?
How Rendering is done in React ?
Why React Follows a Uni Directional Data Flow ?
Hey!! I am Pranay Raj. I am passionate in Web Devlopment and Making Creative Projects is like my hobby :)
You can connect me: