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Latest Moodle: deferred feedback behaviour: ensure check button hidden #789

Latest Moodle: deferred feedback behaviour: ensure check button hidden

Latest Moodle: deferred feedback behaviour: ensure check button hidden #789

Workflow file for this run

name: Moodle Plugin CI
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
image: postgres:13
POSTGRES_USER: 'postgres'
- 5432:5432
options: --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 3
image: mariadb:10.6
MYSQL_USER: 'root'
MYSQL_COLLATION_SERVER: "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
- 3306:3306
options: --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping" --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 3
fail-fast: false
matrix: # I don't know why, but mariadb is much slower, so mostly use pgsql.
# We use a mix of SBCL and GCL, but mostly prefer SBCL as it is faster.
# There is a known problem with PHP 8.2.
# Remove testing PHP 8.2 for now as this failure in CI will obscure other problems.
- php: '8.1'
moodle-branch: 'master'
database: 'pgsql'
maxima: 'SBCL'
- php: '8.1'
moodle-branch: 'MOODLE_402_STABLE'
database: 'pgsql'
maxima: 'GCL'
- php: '8.0'
moodle-branch: 'MOODLE_402_STABLE'
database: 'pgsql'
maxima: 'SBCL'
# Edinburgh is planning to run the setup below for 2023-24.
- php: '7.4'
moodle-branch: 'MOODLE_401_STABLE'
database: 'mariadb'
maxima: 'GCL'
- php: '7.4'
moodle-branch: 'MOODLE_400_STABLE'
database: 'pgsql'
maxima: 'SBCL'
- php: '7.3'
moodle-branch: 'MOODLE_311_STABLE'
database: 'pgsql'
maxima: 'SBCL'
- php: '7.2'
moodle-branch: 'MOODLE_39_STABLE'
database: 'pgsql'
maxima: 'SBCL'
- name: Install Maxima (${{ matrix.maxima }})
run: |
maxima="${{ (matrix.maxima == 'SBCL' && 'sbcl') || 'gcl' }}"
wget \ \${maxima}_5.42.2-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install libtinfo5
sudo dpkg -i libreadline7_7.0-3_amd64.deb maxima-common_5.42.2-1_all.deb maxima-${maxima}_5.42.2-1_amd64.deb
echo "diff(x^2,x);" | maxima
echo "build_info();" | maxima
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: plugin
- name: Setup PHP ${{ matrix.php }}
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: ${{ matrix.extensions }}
ini-values: max_input_vars=5000
coverage: none
- name: Initialise moodle-plugin-ci
run: |
composer create-project -n --no-dev --prefer-dist moodlehq/moodle-plugin-ci ci ^3
echo $(cd ci/bin; pwd) >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo $(cd ci/vendor/bin; pwd) >> $GITHUB_PATH
sudo locale-gen en_AU.UTF-8
echo "NVM_DIR=$HOME/.nvm" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Install moodle-plugin-ci
run: |
moodle-plugin-ci add-plugin maths/moodle-qbehaviour_dfexplicitvaildate
moodle-plugin-ci add-plugin maths/moodle-qbehaviour_dfcbmexplicitvaildate
moodle-plugin-ci add-plugin maths/moodle-qbehaviour_adaptivemultipart
moodle-plugin-ci install --plugin ./plugin --db-host=
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_MAXIMAVERSION", "5.42.2");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_MAXIMACOMMAND", "maxima");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_MAXIMACOMMANDOPT", "timeout --kill-after=10s 10s ${{ github.workspace }}/maxima_opt_auto -eval '\''(cl-user::run)'\''");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_MAXIMACOMMANDSERVER", "http://pool.home:8080/MaximaPool/MaximaPool");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_CASTIMEOUT", "100");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_MAXIMALIBRARIES", "stats, distrib, descriptive, simplex");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_CASPREPARSE", "true");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_PLATFORM", "linux-optimised");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_CASRESULTSCACHE", "db");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_PLOTCOMMAND", "");'
moodle-plugin-ci add-config 'define("QTYPE_STACK_TEST_CONFIG_CASDEBUGGING", "0");'
#cat ${{ github.workspace }}/moodle/config.php
cp ${{ github.workspace }}/moodledata/phpu_moodledata/stack/maxima_opt_auto ${{ github.workspace }}/maxima_opt_auto
# Try a command on the command line.
# echo "1+1; quit();" | timeout --kill-after=100s 100s ${{ github.workspace }}/maxima_opt_auto -eval '(cl-user::run)'
DB: ${{ matrix.database }}
MOODLE_BRANCH: ${{ matrix.moodle-branch }}
- name: PHP Lint
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci phplint
- name: PHP Copy/Paste Detector
continue-on-error: true # This step will show errors but will not fail.
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci phpcpd
- name: PHP Mess Detector
continue-on-error: true # This step will show errors but will not fail.
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci phpmd
- name: Moodle Code Checker
continue-on-error: true # Currently fails. We really ought to get this passing.
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci codechecker --max-warnings 0
- name: Moodle PHPDoc Checker
continue-on-error: true # Currently fails. We really ought to get this passing.
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci phpdoc
- name: Validating
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci validate
- name: Check upgrade savepoints
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci savepoints
- name: Mustache Lint
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci mustache
- name: Grunt
if: ${{ matrix.moodle-branch == 'MOODLE_311_STABLE' }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci grunt
- name: PHPUnit tests
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci phpunit
- name: Behat features
if: ${{ always() }}
run: moodle-plugin-ci behat --profile chrome