Files to build docker containers for KernelCI jenkins slaves
Creates a docker image that has all the deps installed for the lava v2 job creation and submission scripts. SSHD is started and monitored by supervisord so the container can act as a jenkins slave
Creates a docker image that has enough deps installed to run ansible from Then the container will ansbile itself on boot to have all the build deps needed for a kernelci builder. SSHD and CRON are started and monitored by supervisord, allowing the mirror sync scripts to run in cron.
docker build -t mattface/kernelci-jenkins-builder kernel-builder
docker push mattface/kernelci-jenkins-builder
kubernetes-app.yaml in each directory is a simple service description to start 1 replica on a kubernetes node, from my prebuilt dockerhub images. Configure SSH_PASSWORD in kubernetes-app.yaml and then apply it your kubernetes cluster.