Sample project to demonstrate data engineering best practices
Hacktiv8 assignment for Data Engineer Instructor (Part Time)
Free Data Engineering course!
A tutorial for the Great Expectations library.
Docker-compose project Airflow2.0 with MySQL backend
DML and DDL scripts to generate the HR SQL Schema for MySQL
10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All!
Creating python scripts & SQL queries to build ETL pipelines to clean and transform data.
Labs and demos for courses for GCP Training (
Source code accompanying book: Data Science on the Google Cloud Platform, Valliappa Lakshmanan, O'Reilly 2017
Data Science Learning Path - A complete guide to learn data science for beginners
Solutions to HackerRank practice, tutorials and interview preparation problems with Python, SQL, C# and JavaScript
Contains files related to content and project of DSND Term 2
SVM for Classification using Python. Open this project using Jupyter Notebook.