- BlackJack Basic Training Simulator
- Will allow the user to play round sof blackjack for practice
- User can run simulations on different amounts of Decks to output a Basic Strategy Chart
- Sim Part:
- Run sims for each of these:
- 10-20 Player Hand v 2-Ace Dealer up-card
- 100 scenarios per sim
- Run sims for each of these:
Playing rounds of Black Jack
- Select Menu option 1
- Enter the amount of Decks in stack
- Play BlackJack
- Profit, but not really, house always wins
Multi Threaded Simulation
- Select Menu Option 2
- Enter amount of Sims
- Enter amount of Decks in stack
- Wait
- Do some excel magic to turn it into a chart
- Maybe Profit?
Sequential Single Threaded Simulation
- Don't do this its slow
- Menu option 3
- Only here to benchmark and show off how good my multi threaded approach is
- I guess use it if you need to run more than 68,100 simulations but then again why would you do that
- But then again I tried running 1 Million sims as soon as this was ready, cos reasons i guess?
- I need to get out and get a life don't I