This is a simple project that try solve problem about generate enterprise reports among differents products think in a simple way to create and delivery the reports by e-mail.
This was created using the principles of DRY, KISS and CoC. So, instead of many implementations, we can create some files following the conventions and the magic happens. I chose to use the system file instead of database, for maintain its simple and easier to configurate and manage the reports.
Configure the .env
file with data about folders, databases and e-mail server.
Some standard folders are used:
- The reports are create in this folder.
- The name of folder need to clean without special characters and spaces.
- Each report should stay inside itself folder.
- Don't put the reports directly in the root folder.
- Here, you can place the images used in reports.
You can use the builder-docker.bat
to generate image and run docker-compose up
to execute the container.
The image can be pulled by labs-report using the command docker pull maykoncapellari/labs-report
before run docker-compose up
When you create one folder, you can put some special files that are used to configurate the report.
: Used to schedule the report to run. The content shoud following this pattern:- Cron pattern:
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | |_ Sunday - Saturday (0-6) | | | | |_ January - December (0-11) | | | |_ Day (1,31) | | |_ Hours (0-23) | |_ Minutes (0-59) |_ Seconds (0-59)[Optional]`
- If this file is not created, it is used
* * * * *
pattern that will be executated each 1 minute.
: In this file, you can change defaults global configuration of email defined in.env
file.- Example: Nodemailer settings can be used here. Besides allowing to reconfigure the transport config.
{ "subject": "Report XYZ", "to": [ "Email1 <>", "" ], "transport": { "host": "", "port": 587, "auth": { "user": "", "pass": "report" } } }
: In this file, you can change defaults global configuration of database connection defined in.env
file.- Example: You can change all database configs or only one.
{ "pg": { "connectionString": "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres" }, "orcl": { "user": "oracle", "password": "oracle", "connectString": "localhost:1521/orcl" } }
: Here, you can put all the sql files that you will use in the report.-
By default, the files must have only one SQL query, in addition to having a specific name that will inform the report manager which database driver to use.
The names cannot contain special characters
At the end of the name should have one of the 3 display options:
: display the results of query in tabular form.list
: display the results of query in a list form (only the first column).text
: display the results of query as text (only the first column).nop
: no process and display results (used to set operations).
Plus de database driver name.
: Execute the query using Postgres connection configured in.env
file. -
: Execute the query using Oracle connection configured in.env
file. -
Example of names:
- query_table_pg.sql
- report_xyz_list_orcl.sql
- count_text_pg.sql
- list_messages_nop_pg.sql
: Here the report to be sent must be defined.-
You don't need to define the entire html structure.
A stylized html is already generated.
You can use a tag
to format the html file. -
All the contents is inject inside de html/body tags.
To display the query results, it is necessary to follow this pattern:
- In the place that you can display the information, put a tag with this pattern:
. - Examples:
- In the place that you can display the information, put a tag with this pattern:
Now is possible execute two SQLs and perform set operations on this querys.
- Examples set operations:
#(DIFERENCE(messages_core_nop_orcl, messages_base_nop_pg, message_id))
#(UNION(messages_core_nop_orcl, messages_base_nop_pg, message_id))
#(INTERSECTION(messages_core_nop_orcl, messages_base_nop_pg, message_id))
- Examples set operations:
To add images in report, put the file inside the image folder configurated in
env variable and add the tag<img src="myfilename.png">
(the path must not be configured).