Your password is mandatory to install Python Pygments.
make install
make server-start
hugo new dev/
The new file is located at content/dev/
Hugo is using Python Pygments
package for code highlighting so you can highlight your code with the dedicated tag like this:
{{< highlight php >}}
{{< /highlight >}}
All media files linked to an article need to be stored into the static directory and more precisely into the static/images/posts (Group by year of publication)
To display a media into a post use Hugo shortcode figure
like the following:
<p class="text-center">
{{< figure src="/images/posts/2014/proxmox_partition_elao_1000.png" title="Partitionnement personnalisé" alt="Partitionnement-d-un-serveur-proxmox - Partitionnement personnalisé">}}