REST API server that handles users, products, wallets, transactions, and related features. The system includes roles for managing access (ADMIN and USER), user wallets for transactions, and a product system where users can buy products through their wallets. Redis cache is integrated to optimize performance by caching frequently accessed data, such as product listings and transaction statuses
Live demo here
- NodeJS - version 18.17.0
- Redis - version 7.2.4
- Postgresql - version 14.13.0
- User Management
- Product Management
- Wallet Management
- Transaction Handling
- Soft Delete
- Role-based Access Control
To run this project in local, follow the steps below:
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd voca-commerce-server
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Edit the database and Redis configuration in
with your credentials:Note: Please create new database or schema
DATABASE_URL='postgresql://johndoe:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydb?schema=public' REDIS_URL='redis://:@localhost:6379'
Migrate the database:
npm run prismamigrate:dev
Generate Prisma client:
npm run prismagenerate
Compile Typescript into Javascript code:
npm run build
Start the server:
npm run dev
By default, the server will run in: