This repository contains data and analysis of the manuscript entitled "Root grafts matter for inter-tree water exchange – a quantification of water translocation between root grafted mangrove trees using field data and model-based indications" published Annals of Botany (Volume 130, Issue 3, 2022).
Co-Authored by: MC Wimmler, AG Vovides, R Peters, M Walther, N Nadezdina, and U Berger
The following lines briefly describe the files included in this repository.
The setup.R file installs all packages required for the main analysis at once.
- input contains all required input data, i.e. initial parameters, allometric mangrove data from our study sites in La Mancha (Mexico) as well as processed data to feed the allometric data in the extended BETTINA model.
- results contains produced model results (incl. sensitivity analysis).
- functions contains a collection of model functions and helper functions used during the sensitivity analysis.
- main contain scripts to produce statistics and figures shown in the main manuscript
- supplementary data contain scripts to produce statistics and figures shown in the supplementary data