This is an windows application project on "Blood bank management system" that I developed during my Csharp course. Blood bank management system user (registered & non registered) can order and donate blood. Admin (manager) will control the whole system.
In this management system for ordering and donating blood users will register first. After completing registration user can log in (as a member) in the system. Then the user can search donors & order blood. To donate blood users must have to register. User can see their own transaction only. There can happen an emergency situation. For that case, there is an option that one can order blood without being a member of this system. But can not allow donating blood without registration. Admin (manager) will control the whole system and manage users in the system. Can see the transaction and information of all users. There is a benefit for the members of this system. When they order the blood they will get a discount. After valid order by an user payment reciept will be printed and also admin can download history of blood bank regarding member, blood bank stock, donate and request blood. For register user can only download his own history.
Feature list according to user-
Admin- Manage User, Member History, Donate History, Stock, Request History, Report Registered User- Donate Blood, Request Blood(Half-service charge), Edit Profile, Show History, Search Donor Non-Registered User- Search Donor, Request Blood (Full-service charge)